Sunday, March 30, 2014

Some Random in March

Molly is a happy girl while Caitlin and Ashlee are at school, but she is even HAPPIER when they get home! She knows that it is time to go and get them when she wakes up from her nap. Then she loves to sit with them to eat a snack and play and play and play!

We have a rubber band tied around the handles of the TV stand so we don't have all the DVD's all over the floor everyday. But that doesn't keep her from trying!
(bet you can't guess what size of diaper she is in)

Ashlee is all about riding the scooter, and not her bike. We will have to work on the bike again because she has obviously lost confidence.

And Caitlin is working so hard on mastering her roller skates. She gets better everyday, but still has taken several nasty spills.

Molly moved from her high chair to the table permanently a few weeks ago and she hasn't done this since.
But, she use to put her plate on her head almost everyday.
Love jam in the hair!

And a few funny things:

Ashlee decided that she would sit in a chair beside Molly at the table rather then on the bench, she told me "I will sit on the bench when servants come and visit, like Annie or Grandma and Grandpa....."

Molly was giving the scripture for FHE. She was repeating every word after me. love "LOVE", one "TWO"
no,no, "TWO"

We have officially decided that Molly thinks that both Caitlin and Ashlee are named "Ashee". She will get it straightened up sometime, but for now we have many Ashlee's.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Art on Display

Caitlin had a piece of her artwork displayed at the local art museum for the 2nd straight year!!
She was excited to show it to Grandma and Grandpa Will, who were visiting. 
Plus, Grandma Will helped Caitlin make the hat she is proudly wearing!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Oreos and Milk

For FHE we had oreos and milk for treat.
This was the girls first experience with this, and they loved it!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Molly's Birthday!

Molly turned 2 years old on the 20th!
She was really excited for her birthday (we helped a lot with that by talking about it all the time all week) and she would point to her presents on the piano.
She can say "too", but can't figure out how to make her fingers do it.
She is the only birthday we have that falls during a school day, so we had to get ready quickly so we had plenty of time for her presents before school.

She got a towel/backpack from G&G Bishop and headed straight for the door when we put it on.
I don't know where she thought she was going, but she was going.

She got these cute things from G&G Will and loved wearing them.

Chris and I gave her a scooter and she heaved the heavy box over to Chris so he could put it together. RIGHT NOW!

She loved the scooter.

She would not look at me for the pictures. She handed her new play camera to Ashlee and wanted her to take some pictures.

Ready to play outside!

She got a lot of fun play dough toys, so the girls played with her after school.

She had an "ahhp ahhp tay" (up up up cake), and was so excited when we sang to her. Then she didn't eat her piece at all. I think she was exhausted by that point.

Happy Birthday Molly!
We love you!

You are stubborn and independent- you like to try to get dressed by yourself.
You love to play outside and play with your sisters.
You don't like to sit anywhere for very long, AT ALL.
You can't sit still for a book-unless you are drinking your milk, you will only watch a few minutes of a movie before you are up and moving, you are always on the go!
You love black beans, cooked veggies, scrambled eggs, and candy. But you will eat most other things as well.
You are no longer shy.
You love bath time and also get in the shower with Caitlin and Ashlee.
You take great 3 hour naps every afternoon.
We think you may be left handed,

We love you Molly!

Painted Kitchen

I have toyed with painting the kitchen ever since we moved here (5 1/2 years ago), but painting isn't my favorite thing, and I wasn't ever that motivated to do it.
I finally decided to do it and prepped/bought the paint/and painted all yesterday.
I guess I work best spur of the moment.

Some was yellow, some not painted at all, and some was the light beige of the rest of the house.

I LOVE the way it turned out. I think the green works a lot better with our cabinets, and it all looks clean and fresh.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Into Everything

Molly is a handful at times, to say the least.
She is into everything!
She can open doors, so anywhere is free rain for her. (I don't do the childproof doorknob things)
She loves to get in the pantry and get out pretzels.
She gets out games to dump all over the floor.
She gets out the hair stuff, and sometimes dumps it all over the floor.
She use to sneak into Caitlin and Ashlee's room to try to eat their Valentine's candy.
She gets into EVERYTHING in my sewing desk, especially the bobbins and pins.
She gets into my makeup bag and her newest favorite- tampons.
She is busy, busy, busy.
We love you, Molly- you mischievous thing.

Hair cuts

Yesterday Caitlin and Ashlee got their hair cut. 
It was FRIED from swimming lessons.

A friend in the ward cuts hair and does a fabulous job on theirs, and mine, but she is moving. We will miss her- and not just for the great hair cuts!

Sunday, March 16, 2014


We got the dominoes out today and the girls had all kinds of fun at the table with them.

Molly looks very somber in this picture, but she really did have fun. She lined hers up (like in the picture) and then would put her hands in the air and say "duh-duh!"
 It was a good way to spend the time after church until dinner was ready!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


I pulled out the camera to take a picture and she started crying and yelling at me.
Good thing it was bedtime!
Her hair is a crazy mess when we don't do it, plus she loves to run her hands through her hair while she is eating, or put her plate/bowl on her head, so she usually has food in it. Silly girl!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Outside Day

This has been a rather warm month, and we have played outside a lot!
I know we live in Wyoming and spring like weather in March is just a tease, because we don't actually get spring. We go from winter to summer. But we will take any warm days that are thrown in in the middle!
This day the girls played soccer (we should get a bigger ball).
 The girls are signed up for soccer this spring and are really excited.

.....and Ashlee fell, not uncommon for her. She isn't always the most graceful, but she has fun doing everything she does!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


I'm pretty sure I have blogged tons of dress-up posts in the past, but its what girls do, and this blog is the story of our life.
Molly is getting more and more into dress-ups all the time (she use to cry if we put any on her).
She also LOVES purses and sunglasses.
This was her first time wearing a head band for dressing up, and she broke it. Snapped it right in half, so she won't be wearing them again for a while.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cat In the Hat

Today the Cat in the Hat was going to be at the library after school and Caitlin and Ashlee were dying to go.
So we appeased.
I love our library, but it was a very poorly put together after school activity.
They played a bunch of pointless games that were mostly made up on the spot, and they didn't do anything with the Cat in the Hat when he came.
But the girls liked it, and they each got a book, so it was a successful outing (even if the Mom thought it was dumb and spent most of the time trying to corral a certain almost 2 year old)