This was the first day of our trip out to CA. We drove straight there in one day- 15 hours, and it actually wasn't that bad. We stopped to eat our breakfast at the salt flats in Utah. They are pretty remarkable, Caitlin thought it was the ocean. We saw plently of the real ocean later!

This is our nephew, Gavin. He is a handsome little guy. We had a great time with the Will family, and we wish we had more pictures, but that is where our camera battery died.
We are now home and were very glad to be back home. Caitlin walked around her room looking at all her toys and books and both girls were excited to see their own beds. You would have guessed we had been gone a year rather than a week and a half. I guess there is just no place like home. We were pleasantly suprised to see all the flowers in bloom in our backyard. All the rain we had earlier this month really paid off. Now it is sunny and hot. Yesterday I had to contemplate the idea that if it stays hot for many days in a row, or gets much hotter we may actually have to use our air conditioner this summer.
Chris is enjoying his time off work this summer with the girls. Lucky guy to have only daughters!