Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Caitlin started her 4 year old pre-school today. She was so excited. She seemed to really like her class, and can't wait to go back. She told me today they learned "mmmmmmmmmmm" and they got 2 m&m's when they wrote a beautiful "m", and she wrote 2 beautiful ones.

She said her picture would look cool with her feet crossed, which it would have if I hadn't have had them stand in such a terrible place.

Ashlee wanted her backpack on as well.
I thought Ashlee would be okay because she said all morning that she was staying "home wiss Mama", but she cried and cried when Caitlin left. However, when I picked up Caitlin I think she was more excited to she Ashlee than vice versa.

1 comment:

Reed & Melinda Family said...

oh that is sad that she cried. Deegy didn't get it either and wanted to go with last year.