Thursday, March 25, 2010


Chris was summoned for jury duty this past week.
I have had it several times since we got married, but this is the first time for him.
No big deal, most of the things seem to be settled out of court and you don't even have to go.

Here's the kicker:

He is summoned for 1 YEAR

For one full year he will have to let the courts know if we will be out of town, have special events, be gone for work or anything else that may conflict with his availability as a juror.
Kind of crazy.
But I know my Mom would be loving it if it happened to her :)


KaLee said...

Same thing happened to my mom--for 18 months! She would stress about it and call in her dates, etc. Turns out she only had to actually go in one time, no big deal.

Reed & Melinda Family said...

What that is crazy. I would tell them that I am busy all the time with something called "life"

Ellis Family said...

Its about time Chris finally joined the jury duty club! Its too bad you wernt there when the sheriff came to your door. I'm so glad I got out of it...because seriously...a WHOLE YEAR?? I really didn't want to do that. Your mom would be so ashamed of me!!

Minna Dyer said...

I didn't know that was a possible length for jury duty! Shows what I know.
Now I'll be scared every time I open a summons!
Good luck, for all involved ;)