Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Best Helper

The other day was laundry day and Molly pulled a pair of panties out of the basket and wanted me to put them on her.
Well, truth be told, it was actually 2 pair. She was insistent and I complied.

Doesn't everyone stand on the toilet in their underwear to floss their teeth? 
This girl is obsessed with dental floss. 
(which reminded me of when Ashlee was little and and she flossed her teeth for the first time after we had hotdogs for dinner, so we asked her if she had hotdogs in her teeth. So then, anytime she flossed her teeth, she would say "Mom I need some floss, I have hotdogs in my teeth")

And the other day (a different "other" then the above laundry day), we ground wheat, popcorn, and made pancake mix. Molly was my best helper. She loved pouring things into the grinder and tasting the pancake mix. It is a much cleaner job without her, but not as much fun.

1 comment:

katie said...

the flour dusting all over the floor looks so familiar from my own best helpers.