Friday, December 7, 2012

some funny things

A list of some of the funny things we have been saying lately:

Ashlee: Chance brought a snake to school
Me: A real snake?
A: No a pretend one, but he wants a real one.
M: Do you know what snakes eat?
A: vegetables and cucumbers?
M: no
A: milk
M: no, they eat mice and small animals
A: like me! and they would eat Molly.
M: then we better not get a snake.

I am working on making us some stockings, which Ashlee calls "sockings"

Caitlin had a cold and told me how she had "bless-youed" at school. I explained it is actually just called a sneeze.

Ashlee calls a quesadilla a "cheeseadia", it is made out of cheese after all!

After their dance recital Caitlin wanted to show me how they "turtsie" (curtsies).

Ashlee was very excited for her "dance recylce".

Ashlee often confused v with b and p.  She wore a dress-up cape to the store the other day and called it her "cave".

If Molly is sucking her paci and I am going to feed her then I just tell her to spit out her paci, and she does.  It is very cute.

And some recent pictures.  Molly was not really reading the book with them, but trying her hardest to eat it.

Three beautiful sisters!

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