All kids say funny things, but Ashlee really keeps us laughing. She, like her dad, is an hilarious person.
Tonight Chris and I were kidding around about something and trying to get Ashlee to take one of our sides. She said, "Okay, wait wait wait! I will pick a number. I am thinking of a number between 9 and 8, 6 or 5."
I picked 5, Chris picked 8.
She said, "It was 5!"
I had won!
Then she told me "I knew it was 5 because you are my best Mom!"
Chris demanded a rematch. I told her to decide on the number before we picked.
She said, "I am thinking of a number between 12 and 8, 5 or 6."
Chris picked 6, I picked 11.
She had picked 4!
She calls their dance recital her dance recycle.
We have been learning the Articles of Faith in Family Home Evening this year.
She is doing a great job memorizes them! But she gets a little confused on number 3
"We believe that through the atonement of Christ, all nations under God......through obedience and justice for all!"
In the winter she had a cold and we were trying to get her to blow her nose really hard. She would prep up, and then barely blow. After trying, and trying she finally said "I can't, the nosey won't let me."
Chris and my mom have an ongoing Christmas tradition of giving each other the same can of cranberry sauce each year. Chris gave it to her last year, and this year she would be giving it to him. They try to think of very creative ways to give it to each other. Chris told Ashlee that she was on his team, and to tell him if she heard anything about cranberry sauce. Ashlee told him "and you let me know if you hear anything about paseghetti."
She got some new scissors and called them her "Lightning the Queen" scissors.
Oh yes, my sister reminded me of another one. A few weeks ago I made bread, and although I cooked it the same amount of time as always, this time it was just a little doughy. So when Ashlee started eating her piece she said, "Are we eating play-dough?" Enough said, we toasted all the remaining pieces so they were fine.
(I included some old pictures I had on my phone of Ashlee)
She has her fair share of crying fits, but you can never stay mad or frustrated with her for long because she is just so funny......and cute, and lovable.
You forgot the one "are we eating playdough?"
Ha! Those are great. I love that little Ashlee!
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