Thursday, April 23, 2015

Australian Show- Caitlin

Westridge school was super lucky to have a man named Paul Taylor come to their school for 2 weeks and teach them all about Australia. They sang and danced and made crafts and put on a show at the end of it all. They really loved it, and it was a good experience for them.
Caitlin and Ashlee's classes didn't perform on the same day, so I went to the performance both days.
Caitlin's class sang and acted out a song where they were in a chain gang.

And one were they twirled their bullroarer that they made.

Australian performance- Caitlin from Beth Will on Vimeo.
Westridge Elementary. Caitlin- 8 years old, 3rd grade. Paul Taylor visits the school. May 2015.

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