Wednesday, February 18, 2009

playing around

A little football, anyone? Or, Mom, as the case may be. We play catch for a while, and she says to me "Good catch". As she has just thrown the ball about 3 feet, which is a good 4 feet short of where I am sitting, so there was obviously no catch at all. I wonder if she is building up my self esteem by really meaning "nice try, mom", or her own by meaning "nice throw, Caitlin!". I am sure it is neither and she simply is saying "good catch" because that is what is meant to be said while playing catch.
A little sisterly love after a hard thrown game.

1 comment:

The Chix's said...

Beth - I love the football game & especially the way Catlin has her Rockies hat on backwards, very lady-like? Dad Will