Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Barbara Quinby

We made a trip last weekend to attend the funeral (aka life rememberance) of Chris's Grandma Barbara Quinby (aka Nani- pronounced Nah-knee).

She loved the theater, so the service was held at a local theater in Loveland that she often frequented. (as I am typing this I can't remember if the place is theater or theatre. I should know being the wife of a theater teacher, oh well.)
It was all done very nicely, and it was good to remember some of the great things she did with her life.
We also got to see and/or meet many relatives who came to Colorado for the event.

Some of her pictures were inlarged and placed in the outside marquee, which was really neat and something she would have just loved.

Her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and spouses.

Chris has always held a special place in his heart for his Grandma, who helped instill the love of theater in him.


katie said...

i would maybe say it's pronounced "nah-knee." you know, like ah-knee, but with an 'n' in front?
those scotland dresses are sure cute and tell caitlin that i love her fancy nancy pearls.

Chris and Beth Will said...

I fixed part of it before I read your comment, but I will fix it more. You know me and phonetics.

The pearls were actually Nani's. They are pop beads, which means they can all pop apart.

Brooks Family said...

I will miss her energetic personality. Goodbye Nani.

Jen said...

She's so pretty.:) I'm sorry. HOpe you're all doing all right. love ya.